Good Computer Posture

Try using an adjustable sit/stand desk which is supporting your neutral positions. This helps you adjust your work place according to your needs.
1. Position your chair
Adjust your chair height. Feet should be on the floor/foot rest and thighs parallel to floor. Remove any items if present under the desk for comfortable leg positioning and movement.
Now, adjust your backrest so that it completely supports your back assuming a normal body curves.

2. Set up your computer properly

3. Arrange your work space
Keep your work area at elbow height.

4. Keyboard/mouse adjustments
Adjust keyboard in the center in front of you while typing. Mouse and other frequently used items also should be kept within arm’s reach. This reduces fatigue to the shoulders and arms.

5. Monitor position
Monitor positioned at eye level in front of you at about arm’s length from you to reduce eye strain. Other needed documents kept in reach. Use a document holder to position your documents.
Avoid glare from your monitor by placing it away from glare producing light sources and adjust brightness and contrast of your monitor.
Clean the monitor and your glasses too if you use them.

6. Hand and wrist position
Keep your wrists straight while typing and using mouse. Avoid bending/twisting your wrists. Fore arm rest can be used.
Type with light touch keeping your fingers and hands relaxed as it takes little effort to activate keyboard keys.
Click the mouse lightly with relaxed hands and don’t rest the palms/wrists on anything.

7. Seating posture
Relax your arms and hands while not typing and adjust the chair properly so that it doesn’t press back of your knees and don’t rest the arms at its edges.

8. Holding phone
Don’t hold the phone in-between your head and shoulder. People using phone frequently can use a head phone to avoid neck strain.

9.Eye care
Mostly avoid staring at computer without blinking your eyes. Avoid looking at the computer more than 10 min at a stretch.
While working on a computer for prolonged time, take short breaks in-between (at least 5-7 min in an hour). Eat well balance diet, Get adequate rest and exercise regularly.


Taking breaks is probably the easiest thing to incorporate into your working day and often the most neglected. Whether that's down to an emerging workaholic culture or a demonic breed of bosses, I don't know and I certainly don't understand it. No company went under because the staff took a few minutes to stretch and rest their eyes. And if it did, there were serious problems with that company in the first place.

It's not ok for companies to sweep workstation ergonomics under the carpet any more and taking breaks is part of that. If you're unfortunate enough to have a helicopter boss who breathes fire if you so much as look elsewhere for a few seconds, speak to HR.


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